Learnings, writings, and tips navigating equity and inclusion, communications, and strategy in education and non-profit spaces.
Navigating This Moment as Builders of a More Equitable World
As builders of a more equitable world, what are the basics you’re returning to?
Who is it we need to become?
Shawn Ginwright, in his book, The Four Pivots, begins chapter 4 with this quote from Benjamin McBride: The wrong first question is, What do we need to do? The right first question is, Who do we need to become?
Episode 42: 3TC at the E with Sophia Kristina Agtarap
The 3TC Team sits down with Sophia Kristina Agtarap for a conversation about cultivating space for curiosity in the work of equity, diversity and inclusion.
So you want to learn about Asians…
A growing list of resources about, by, and for the Asian communities.
Do you have an ethical communication framework?
In an ideal world, communications staff are a part of the content creation process. Whether that process involves sitting around a table (or zoom call) or there is some preferred way to ideate, your comms people need to be in the room where it happens. Why Because they (we) know things.
Stop talking about politics.
When white supremacy and characteristics of that culture show up in our places of work, in the exchange of ideas, and in the systems that hold up our organizations, then you bet they are going to make their way into conversations and spaces designed for networking and work and business because they impact if, how, and why we show up.
listening is work
but what happens after the 8-week book club on How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi?
digital Church: a practical how-to guide
Amplify Media hosted a series of webinars to help equip faith leaders as they lead through this COVID-19 pandemic.
In their survey of 1,000+ church leaders, nearly three-quarters (71.12%) said one of their most pressing needs during this crisis is providing alternative worship experiences in place of face-to-face meetings. And more than six-in-ten (61.03%) said one of their most pressing roles is communicating with their congregation.
you might need a social media sherpa if…
You have a website. You tweet. You're on Facebook. You blog. You may think this article doesn't apply to you. Not so fast. Even if your organization is using today's social media tools, there is always room for improvement. Having a presence in these social spaces isn't a substitute for continued learning about what some still consider emerging communication tools.
bowls of hope feed kids’ bodies’, moms’ spirits
In the heart of one of Manila's most depressed areas – Tondo – is a pocket of hope. There, kids gather every school night for a warm meal, and moms gather for a community gathering that feeds both bodies and spirits.
bringing faith to the public square
Sophia talks with USA Today about bringing her faith to the public square.
staying engaged while physically distant
Practicing what a spiritual community looks like online doesn't have to be a replica of whatever it was we were doing in person. It is important to ask however, What was it that made those interactions meaningful?
empowering women for abundant living
Globally, far too many women and girls die or suffer lifetime disabilities due to lack of safe, voluntary family planning services. Also, this fosters child mortality. Increasing family planning services and education can stop these unnecessary deaths and injuries.
Start your journey
Interested in exploring what work we could do together? Schedule a 30-minute discovery call.